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The Intervention Program


Literacy Intervention at St Robert’s utilises the evidenced-based program Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) as a key resource.  This is a Structured Synthetic Phonics program, based around the science behind how children learn to read. It provides children repeated opportunities to develop their knowledge of phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension - the five building blocks required when learning to read. Children develop their knowledge of sounds within the English language in an ordered manner through explicit instruction. Upon mastering a sequence of sounds, children learn to apply these known sounds to decodable texts and build their fluency in reading at text level. 


Additional programs, including Spelling Mastery and Story Champs are incorporated into the intervention program where spelling only, or language comprehension may be the single focus area.   



The Identification Process


At St Robert’s, we have worked tirelessly to establish a Multi Tier System of Support (MTSS) model that allows us to teach, monitor and support all students in their Literacy development. MTSS is a three step process that allows us to:


  • Provide services and interventions for all students, including those who are at risk of not meeting grade level 

  • Improve the early identification and support of students with learning needs

























Tier 1: Refers to evidence-based instruction and universal screening for all students. This means that all students receive high quality, evidence-based classroom instruction and undergo assessments at the beginning of the year, as a first step. We have adopted the use of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy Skills) that allows us to screen all students in the foundational sub-skills that make up skilled reading and spelling. DIBELS is administered by classroom teachers and flags students who have not yet reached the benchmark for their year level, or who are at risk of not reaching grade level standard. 


Tier 2: For students who have received high quality Tier 1 instruction, but have been highlighted as requiring more support, we can offer small group, tier 2 instruction. This is a ‘top up’ of classroom instruction that targets the key skills and knowledge students need to become skilled readers and writers. Regular progress monitoring is undertaken for students receiving tier 2 instruction. 


Tier 3: For students who have been provided with small group, tier 2 instruction and still do not make the progress we anticipate, more frequent intervention is recommended and is something that can be discussed with our intervention team. 

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